Laboratory testing – How CBD Oil is tested for purity & contamination

Laboratory Testing – How CBD oil is tested for purity and contamination

Lab-tested CBD oil means you can be assured that standardized tests have been performed to ensure that the product is exactly what is claimed. It gives you legal protection as a wholesale buyer but it has its limitations, so it is often a good idea to do your own tests to make sure.

Purity Lab Testing:

Purely Europe All products available through CBD LOGISTICS Oil Europe have been lab-tested. A test consists of 3 parts:

Cannabinoid profile:

The cannabinoid profile shows the amount of cannabidiol and other cannabinoids (CBDA, CBN, CBG, etc.).

Terpene profile:

Turpentines are an important part of the product and their composition should be closely monitored. Terpene profiles focus on 10 or 20 most important terpenes, the most well-known of which are Mersin, Panini, Lemoine and Carofelin. The list is not exhaustive: A total of 200 terpenes have been found in the cannabis plant, although the majority contain only trace amounts. Terpenes are an important part of plant profiles and scientists learn a lot about their interactions.

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Pollution testing:

Since hemp is a bio-collector (it absorbs pollutants from the soil), it is important to test the extract for contamination. A complete exam must always include the following.

1. Heavy metal test. Cannabis plants absorb heavy metals such as mercury or lead from the soil if they are present. Therefore, a complete heavy metal contamination test should be carried out regularly on all cannabis liquors.

2. Infected with herbs, pesticides, and the fungicides. Cannabis crops used to produce and the CBD LOGISTICS extract should be grown without the use of herbicides, pesticides, or fungicides. These chemicals are toxic to humans and will be concentrated in the final product during the extraction process.

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3. Microbial contamination. The last part of the laboratory test is to check for bacterial or fungal contamination of the product.

Are all lab-tested CBDs the same?

It is important to ensure that all products are subjected to these 3 types of tests on a regular basis, not only for cannabinoid content.

We have seen cases where the product was marketed without proper scrutiny. Also, testing for cannabinoids alone is not enough, although such cases can still be found in the market. Worse still, there are still products that do not contain the advertised cannabinoid material on the packaging. Cutting corners like this can be very beneficial for bad actors, and so it is important for companies and consumers to make sure that all the tests are performed properly when looking to buy CBD products.

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Leading CBD companies have in-house HPLC testing machines and regularly use third-party laboratories to ensure that their test results are accurate and up-to-date.

Cannabinoid testing laboratories

For cannabinoid testing in Europe, see our article: List of Testing Laboratories

Source of inspiration: keen on attempting CBD? Visit shop CBD for a tranquil encounter:

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