Content Creation Trends for 2023

Kylie Henderson knows that content creation is the core of all SEO marketing techniques. Great content increases your rankings, gets you better search results, and helps consumers identify your website more easily. But content creation is also a constantly changing world, and a new update from Google is in the works. What trends can you anticipate rocking the content creation world in 2023?

Kylie Henderson Examines 2023’s Most Likely Content Creation Trends

While content creation is likely to change heavily in the coming years, Kylie Henderson states that this process is evolutionary rather than revolutionary. This means that 2023’s upcoming trends will likely be upgrades on 2022’s concepts and ideas, just like this year’s trends were influenced by previous years. Judging by this, what ideas are likely to take the content creation world by storm?

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First, storytelling is going to be another major factor in 2023. In fact, it is likely to become even more critical than ever. Why? A great story humanizes your content and makes it feel more natural. While AI can crank out underwhelming but serviceable landing pages that may help you convert, they simply cannot tell great stories. Skilled human writers who can enhance your brand using stories will be essential.

That’s why empathetic content will be even more critical than ever, Kylie Henderson states. Empathetic content touches on essential factors in your readers’ lives and makes them feel connected to you. Storytelling content should not just highlight the quality of your brand but also empathize with the reader, such as making them feel like you truly care about them as people.

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Furthermore, your content should be focused on representation and inclusivity by addressing as many potential audiences as possible. Now, it is important to make this representation seem natural and not like a desperate attempt to seem “woke.” Subtly change your language, such as addressing broader topics and lifestyles in a meaningful and empathetic way, to improve your content creation.

Many content types can fit into this heading. For example, local landing pages should use accurate information about an area, such as its geographical proximity to specific landscapes, to make it seem more real and engaging. It shouldn’t feel like you Googled “top things to see in X area” but that you’re truly from the region and understand what people in this area need to feel happy and comfortable.

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Kylie Henderson also encourages content creators to embrace AI technology. Don’t worry! Your skilled and intelligent writers aren’t going to be out of a job any time soon. AI is simply not good enough (yet or perhaps ever) to truly capture that human creativity that you get with your best writers. But that doesn’t mean it has no role in content creation.

That’s because AI can help gather research information, collect raw data about trending keywords, and provide your writers with a very rough draft structure. Your writers can then craft much better and more creative work, streamlining their writing process and producing copy that will convert.

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