3 Reasons To Have a Home Phone

Most people have started using mobile phones in place of landlines. Cell phones are often more convenient because you can carry them with you wherever you go, but landlines can still be valuable tools to have in your home. Here are three reasons you should consider having a home phone.


If you’re trying to cut living expenses, it may not sound sensible to purchasehome phone plansin addition to mobile coverage. You may not want to pay for a landline that you don’t think you’ll use often. However, many landline plans can be bundled with other services in your house to give you a significant discount. You likely already pay for internet and cable TV each month, and many of these providers also home phones for steep discounts when you bundle your services.

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There’s no limit to how much you can use a home phone each month. If you have a landline and think that you’re paying too much for cell phone coverage, you can always move to a cheaper mobile plan. Although you may not have unlimited minutes on your cell phone, you can still make all of your calls with your home phone.

Backup Communication

You may think that landlines are less reliable than mobile phones, but the opposite is true. You may not have a landline if you lose power, but there are more emergencies that render a cell phone useless. A home phone comes in handy in any of the following situations:

  • You forget to charge your mobile phone.
  • You misplace your cell phone.
  • You don’t get a good cell signal at home.
  • You drop your cell phone and break it.
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If you work from a home office, you need a way to communicate with your clients. A phone is an essential tool for making yourself available to your customers, but a cell phone can sometimes make you too available. Because you carry your mobile phone with you, you may find yourself answering work calls outside of regular business hours. If you take all of your business calls on a landline in your office, you may be less pressured tocommunicate with clientsat all hours of the day.

If you’ve already ditched a home phone, you might want to consider reinstalling it. Although many people prefer cell phones over home phones, landlines are still a good thing to have. Think about getting a home phone for these reasons.

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